

Activity Instructions - Cheryl

National Educational Technology Standards
  • Demonstrate creative thinking to construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
  • Use digital media in work environments to communicate and work collaboratively.
  • Create a website using Weebly software
  • ABC DLT members
  • Educators in other school districts
  • To communicate information about the ABC DLT to the public
  • To provide a resource for DLT members
  • DLT members work in teams of 10 groups of 12 website designers to create a webpage
  • Each group of 12 works under the guidance of a Webmaster
  • Teams will receive basic Weebly training
  • Teams will consist of both Digital Natives (under 35) and Digital Immigrants (over 35)
  • Use laptops and WiFi to access the DLT website created by Colin
  • 2:30 PM Presentations: 2 min highlight of website and something your team learned from the experience
Weebly Instructions - Colin
  • ONLY the team webmaster may edit assigned site: UserName: academicservices Password: AS2010
  • Hotel wireless access via password (handout to webmasters)
  • Each team will create content to specific topics assigned and located within banner tabs. 
  • Determine content and utilize appropriate multi-media and Weebly apps (written, pictures, video, links, survey, etc) 
  • Quick examples of creating Weebly content and using Weebly apps
  • SAVE your work by clicking outside of a "box" you are working within
  • Click PUBLISH to make your web changes live on the web
  • This work is ONLY a draft towards a final DLT website!